Headwind is Coming

I feel it from somewhere deep inside. The winds of change are beginning to blow and a storm and a story are on the horizon.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Somewhere in Europe

On This Day in History

March 31, 1940: In the North Atlantic... The first German armed merchant cruiser, Atlantis, sails for operations against Allied shipping. It will prove to be the most successful raider. In a cruise lasting until November 22, 1941 she will sink 22 ships of 145,700 tons.


  1. There is a HEADWIND of great reading ahead for lovers of adventure and history during WWII. Karen Brees's lead character, Katrin Nissen of the OSS, takes readers along as she works for freedom in Europe and the world.

    You will not want this book to end but, can know that two more books are coming in this series.
    Based on facts, HEADWIND is a real page-turner.
